XIQS Create Campaign

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XIQS Create Campaign Details - Campaign Management

createXIQSCampaign ( [Long id_partition] , ... )
Create a new campaign object in current partition.
[Long id_partition]
this campaign partition (admin reserved)
[String name]
this campaign name
[String type]
the campaign type: SMS or HTTP
[String schedstartdate]
the unix timestamp date this campaign will start to send messages
[String schedenddate]
the unix timestamp date this campaign will stop to send messages
[String smssess]
size of the simultaneous message send authorized for this campaign (license limited)
[String hasdelivery]
should this campaign include message deliveries in stats
[String hasreply]
should this campaign include message replies in stats
[String erroralert]
error threshold this campaign will raise an alert (in %)
[String monday]
monday send planning
[String tuesday]
tuesday send planning
[String wednesday]
wednesday send planning
[String thursday]
thursday send planning
[String friday]
friday send planning
[String saturday]
saturday send planning
[String sunday]
sunday send planning
[String message]
the message to send to this campaign's recipient list
[String priority]
the priority of execution for this campaign
[String prefix]
the prefix to add to recipient list when sending
[String login]
the message sending service login to use
[String password]
the message sending service password to use
[String timezone]
this campaign object timezone
[String fmtuser]
this HTTP campaign 'user' field format
[String fmtpassword]
this HTTP campaign 'password' field format
[String fmtphonenum]
this HTTP campaign 'phonenum' field format
[String fmtmessage]
this HTTP campaign 'message' field format
[String fmtenabledeliv]
this HTTP campaign 'enabledelivery' field format
[String fmtenablereply]
this HTTP campaign 'enablereply' field format
Return Values

Integer ok - 1 when all done

Error Data structure ( Error Management )
Possible failure code returns
See Also
Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List